The Maze Runner Wiki

Brenda is a female introduced in the Scorch Trials. Eventually, it is discovered that she is part of the group of Immunes. She becomes close to Thomas over The Scorch Trials and The Death Cure.

In The Scorch Trials, Thomas and the group Gladers that made it out find themselves in abandoned building where they are confronted by Jorge. Bendra is a part of a group that is living in the Scorch with Jorge as their leader. Jorge makes a deal with Thomas stating that only him and Brenda will join their group on their journey to the safe haven promised by WICKED to Thomas and the Gladers. The rest of Jorge's group was ditched, and the rest of them, Thomas, Brenda, Jorge, and the Gladers, make their way to the underground-- a series of underground tunnels that lead through the whole city. The group was attacked which forced Thomas and Brenda to travel in the underground away from the others. Brenda leads the way through the tunnels while flirting a little with Thomas. Thomas feels guilty for being with Brenda instead of Teresa. The dynamic duo come into confrontations with Cranks way past the Gone.

Thomas and Brenda are able to escape from the underground and start their way through the rest of the city above ground. They stumble on a Crank club, and are captured by three cranks.

to be continued.... (not done.)
