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Vince was the leader of the Right Arm. While he was a minor character in the Book, he was a major character in The Scorch Trials and The Death Cure.


The Death Cure[]

In The Death Cure, Vince came up with a plan along with Thomas and Brenda to trick WICKED into letting them into their headquarters by bringing "kidnapped" Munies with him to sell for their Trials.


The Scorch Trials[]

In the The Scorch Trials, Vince was first seen when Group A is taken to the Right Arm by Sonya and Harriet. When he discovers Brenda's injured leg (Crank-bite), he attempts to shoot her in order to put her out of her misery, but is stopped by Thomas and Jorge.

The same night, when WCKD attacked the campsite, Vince attempted to use a heavy machine gun against the attackers, but was captured.

When Mary Cooper was executed in cold blood by Janson, Vince screamed in rage, and attempted to contain the flow of blood, but in vain: she died in his hands.

After Jorge attacked the invading troopers, and the prisoners rebelled, Vince ran to the machine gun, finally being able to use it to shoot down WCKD troopers and even attack a helicopter, greatly contributing at the victory, but Minho, Aris, and Sonya are captured in the process.

The next morning, when Frypan asked Vince what they will do, Vince replied that they will regroup and continue the mission: to carry the Immune to the Safe Haven. When Thomas said that he is going to rescue Minho, Aris, and Sonya and kill Ava Paige, Vince attempted to dissuade him, but after the boy made a convincing speech, Vince finally agreed to help him, asking him what plan he got.

The Death Cure[]

In the The Death Cure, Vince helped Thomas, Newt, Frypan, Brenda, Jorge, Harriet, and the Right Arm rescue and take Aris, Sonya, and a group of Immunes to their new hideout.

While Vince, along with Brenda, Jorge, Aris, Sonya, Harriet, the Right Arm, and the Immune children, sleep, while Thomas, Newt, and Frypan leave the hideout to go to the Last City to rescue Minho.

Later, Jorge returns to the Right Arm's hideout to pick up Vince. They take a berg and fly to the building to pick up Frypan, Brenda, and the Immune children.

Vince, along with Frypan, Brenda, Jorge, and the Immune children, are waiting at the berg when they hear Teresa telling Thomas that his blood can cure Newt like it did Brenda, Minho and Gally arrive, asking where the serum is. Vince, along with Jorge, and the Immune children, stay in the berg while Minho, Gally, Frypan, and Brenda run to the train station.

Minho, Gally, Frypan, and Brenda return to the berg where Jorge flies them, Vince, and the Immune children to the top of the WCKD building where Thomas and Teresa are. Thomas is too wounded and weak to get on the berg due to being shot in the stomach by Janson, but with Teresa's help, they and Vince manage to haul him on board. Teresa falls to her death when the WCKD building collapses.

Vince, along with Thomas, Minho, Gally, Frypan, Brenda, Jorge, Aris, Sonya, Harriet, the Right Arm, and the Immune children, fly to the Safe Haven to live out their lives.

There, the first night, Vince gave the gathered boys a welcome speech, presenting them the Memorial Rock to engrave the names of their loved ones that they lost, and soon after, he was seen engraving Mary's name on the rock.

Physical Appearance & Personality[]

Vince was described as being a "huge man, more fat than muscle, his girth barely contained between the arms of the white plastic chair he sat in." He also had massive arms and a deep voice.


Vince Leadering

Vince addressing fellow immunes

  • Leadership: As the leader of the resistance known as the Right Arm, Vince was shown to give many great tactics, strategies, and moral support in speeches to those who follow in his army and lead them to freedom against WCKD.
Vince Machine Gunning

Vince firing a 50 cal at multiple WCKD Soldiers

  • Master Marksmanship & Weapon Proficiency: Vince is shown to have excellent experience in using many small arms, rifles, machine ammunition in the battlefield. As first shown in the Scorch Trials film, he used a shotgun for defense before handing it to Minho to provide cover while he loads the M2 Browning, which he managed to fire at multiple WCKD soldiers and helicopter at further distances with ease. In the Death Cure film, he gets his allies and the captured immunes to safety as he shoots one soldier on the left side of the shoulder and another somewhere between the chest.
Vince Bag Bombing

Vince's bag of explosives exploding the rail off a WCKD train

    • Expert Explosive: His experience with weaponry include knowing his way his way with explosive as he managed to place a piece of plastic on the rail of train which successfully separates it from WCKD.
Vince Legs on fire

Vince's legs enduring being dragged on train tracks

  • Peak Human Endurance: Despite seemingly having more fat than muscle, Vince also possesses greater endurance than an average person. As shown in the Scorch Trials film, when a WCKD soldier tossed an electric stun grenade that temporarily paralyzed victims the side effects didn't worsen further as he continued to fight them and during the Death Cure film, when boarding the train, he managed to leap onto the handle while his legs were sliding on the tracks before he got on top to follow Thomas to the cargo container.


  • "Well, we pick up what's left of us. We stick to the plan. We get you kids to the Safe Haven. Then we start over, I guess." Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials
  • "All right, listen up. I know you've all been through hell. I wish I could say our troubles are over... but we're not through this yet. WCKD's still out there. They're not giving up. 'Cause you got something they want. They took you because you're immune to a plague that's wiping out the human race... and they think you're worth sacrificing to find a cure. Well, I don't. So in two days, when we get this tub of rust seaworthy, we're getting the hell outta here. We're gonna go to a place where WCKD will never find you. A place you can start over. A place you can call home." Maze Runner: The Death Cure
  • "We have come a long way together. So many have sacrificed... so much to make this place possible. Your friends... and your family. So here's to the ones who couldn't be here... here's to the friends we lost. This place is for you. It's for all of us. But this... this is for them. So in your own time, in your own way... come make your peace. And welcome to the Safe Haven!" Maze Runner: The Death Cure

