The Maze Runner Wiki

Nick was the former First-in-Command of the Gladers who was first mentioned by Alby in the the first few chapters of The Maze Runner. He also made a brief appearance in The Fever Code. He could be named after Nikola Tesla, a Croatian-Serbian inventor, or Nicolaus Copernicus, a Renaissance-era mathematician.


The Fever Code[]

Nick was the friend of George, another Glader. When George began acting strange and violent, Alby punched him in the face repeatedly, causing Nick to angrily explain to Alby and Newt that George was ahead of him while exploring the Maze, and he suddenly heard mechanical sounds and George's screaming. When he had caught up to George, the latter kept mumbling about being stung by a Griever.

After they injected George with a mysterious syringe of serum Frypan found in a supply box, George had gone hostile and attacked a nearby Glader, trying to gouge out his eyes. Alby was forced to kill George with a sharpened stick to save the boy. Nick, relatively calm in spite of his friend's death, kneeled next to George's body and saw the sting on his abdomen.

Later on, Nick seemed to have appointed himself First-in-Command of the Glade, and he, Alby, and Newt seemed to argue a lot about various matters. He was killed at some point after Chuck's arrival and before Thomas' arrival; it is also unknown exactly how he died.

The Maze Runner[]

Nick was mentioned as the Glader who was the former First-in-Command, who died not long before Thomas had arrived in the Glade.


The Maze Runner[]

In the film adaptation of The Maze Runner, Nick was alive and never the First-in-Command. His name could be seen uncrossed when the Wall was pointed at the camera after the Griever Attack. Since Nick wasn't one of the Gladers that joined Thomas' group in leaving the Glade, he stayed with Gally and his group of Gladers while the other Gladers left to escape the maze.



Nick's name as engraved on the Wall.

  • In the film adaptation of The Maze Runner, Nick's name is engraved in the wall, uncrossed; meaning he was still alive.
  • It is possible he is portrayed by Nick Killebrew, however, his character is killed during the griever attack, yet Nick's name is uncrossed.
  • In The Fever Code, when Thomas and Chuck are viewing George after he was stung by a Griever, Thomas asks Chuck which boy was next to George and Chuck tells Thomas that he was Nick.


  • "He's my friend, you know. He needs medical help, not some hothead beating on him." The Fever Code