The Maze Runner Wiki
Mazerunner maze-skyview

The Maze as shown in the film.

The Maze is the Phase One of the Trials created by WICKED personnel for the Gladers to try and solve. Upon completion, the Gladers enter an entirely new world: the world that they were taken from.

Glade and Maze


There are two mazes, one for the subjects in Group A and one for Group B. Both are built deep into the bedrock that lay under the main buildings of WICKED's headquarters. The mazes can be entered and exited through the Griever Hole.

The two mazes are identical in design and described as giant labyrinths. It can be divided into eight sections surrounding the Glade. Every night, the Walls of the maze change and eventually repeat their patterns every month. This pattern is a code. In the book, the code exists out of keywords which are formed by the walls of the eight sections in the rate of one letter a day. Those letters can be found if you lay the maps of the eight sections from one day over each other. In the film, the code to escape the maze is the opening sequence of the sections.


In the book, the code exists out of the keywords FLOAT - CATCH - BLEED - DEATH - STIFF - PUSH. The last keyword is a reference to a button which shuts down the maze. In the film, the code is the opening sequence of the sections as said above. The sequence is 71528643.
