The Maze Runner Wiki
The scorch

The Scorch is a prominent location in the Maze Runner Trilogy, mentioned in the first and last books, and being the main setting of The Scorch Trials.

The Scorch is a very dangerous place inhabited with Cranks, located between the two tropics.


The Scorch is the given name for what was originally Earth's equator. It is the area between the.


In The Maze Runner, the Scorch is mentioned at the very end as the focus of the sun's devastation.

The Scorch is the main setting in The Scorch Trials. In the Scorch, Thomas and the fellow Gladers have to survive a journey through the Crank infested Wasteland. Several Gladers die in the lighting storms. Thomas meets Brenda and Jorge. Thomas interacts with Teresa. Several Gladers die battling Bulb Monsters. The surviving party escapes to the berg at the end of the trial.
